Student Life

  • 4 Planners All Future Dietitians Will LOVE

    If you’re anything like me, your planner is as vital as a cup of coffee or your phone… maybe even more. Are you looking for a pretty planner to make those never-ending to-do lists more manageable? Check out this list!

    You are very, very busy.

    This planner from says it all. We all know that studying nutrition can make you a little busy between studying for exams, gaining volunteer experiences, or inputting your information into DICAS to match to a dietetic internship. 

    Pineapple or fine apple? You decide!

    We know that fruit makes almost everything better- homework assignments and to-do lists included. Show the world just how much you enjoy this sweet snack with your new planner. This planner from Emily Ley even comes with stickers! Vitamin C is omitted.

    Find your passion.

    Have you been dreaming of a career in clinical nutrition? What about in a community setting? Maybe you’d like to open your private practice one day but aren’t sure how to start. This plan from Passion Planner can help you dive into your goals and dreams and find new ones, too.

    Don’t lose your marbles.

    If you’re a lover of all things luxurious, look no further. This eco-friendly plan is not only beautiful but is a fill-in-the-blank option. Ferme A Papier has created a perfect fit if you like all things personalized. Make it your own, and get organized!

    Are you using one of our featured planners to achieve this? Let us know in the comments below!

    P.S. Applying to dietetic internships and need a little extra help? Try Get Matched Coaching to land the internship program of your dreams!


  • How to Study for Multiple Exams in One Week

    There are a few things in life that are more stressful than having multiple exams in one week. The good news is there are tried and proper ways of tackling this!

    Having multiple exams in one week causes my anxiety to take over, and I go from 0 to 100 real quick. Now, if one exam is on a Monday and another is on a Friday, it’s all gravy, baby! But if we’re talking back-to-back exam days…the struggle couldn’t be more accurate. But, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered! The following study tips are guaranteed to calm that anxiety storm and leave you smooth sailing to your next exam week.

    1. Prioritize your exams.

    Which exam will be the hardest, and which will be easier for you? Start with the hardest. Begin studying for the most challenging exams about a week before the exam date, but don’t do it all at once! Review a bit at a time in intervals. Distributing learning over time typically benefits long-term retention better than a short period.

    2. Schedule your time.

    Create a schedule for yourself that includes how many hours you will spend on each subject and when you will take breaks. Let’s face it, studying one subject for endless hours will make anyone go crazy. Spend 2-3 hours on each topic and take a non-academic break in between. Cardio has been shown to improve memory, so schedule yourself a quick run in between subjects for a brain boost!

    Click here to stay organized with these top 5 tips!

    3. Take naps during study breaks.

    From personal experience, this has worked wonders for me. I’ve learned I can remember the material much better if I study for a few hours, take a nap, then get back to studying. And there’s a science to back it up! A 2010 Harvard study suggested that dreaming may reactivate and reorganize recently learned material leading to improved memory.

    Learn more about how sleep helps your memory!

    4. Say no to cramming and all-nighters!

    Not only will your brain be foggy from the lack of sleep, but cramming information causes anxiety which can lower your ability to retain information. Do yourself a favor and aim for 8-9 hours of sleep the night before exams.

    Learn more about exam study strategies for RD2Be’s!

    Now study and crush those exams!

    multiple exams

    PS. Are you worried about matching to a Dietetic Internship? Check out our get-matched course!


  • A Surefire Recipe to Gain Volunteer Experience

    To stay competitive as a nutrition student you have to get good grades, be involved in extracurriculars, and volunteer like your life depends on it.

    The semester is coming to an end and summer is right around the corner.  As dietetic majors, you know that summer means that there is more time for… volunteering! 

    At times this is a very stressful and time provoking task but this is why you have us to help you through and find and create your best possible experiences that DI directors will gasp at (good gasps!) and put you right at the top of their lists.

    To make this task a little more tolerable, what better way to read about volunteer experiences is there than a recipe.  With just a few ingredients, a dash of determination, and some simple directions, you will be on your way to cookin’ up great volunteer experiences!

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources, discounts, and exclusive advice from Jenny!


    • Leadership skills
    • Confidence
    • Creativity
    • Persistence
    • Enthusiasm

    Not sure where to begin? First, check out local volunteering opportunities near you here. Next, follow the directions below.


    1. Ask – Put yourself out there. There are very few people that will turn down someone that wants to work for FREE.  What excites you?  What do you want to learn more about?  Whether it is for 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years, experience is experience, and anything helps, all you have to do is ASK!  If you are uncomfortable at first approaching someone to see if you could volunteer with them, there is nothing wrong with an email.

    Sample Email: 

    To Whom It May Concern,

    My name is __________.  I’m a nutrition major at _____________ and I’m extremely interested in your __________________.  I would love to learn more about ________, and was wondering if I could volunteer for you.  I appreciate your time and patience with this request and I look forward to hearing back from you in the near future.



    2. Ask again – This is where persistence comes in. If you don’t hear from anyone in a week, try a follow-up email.  Still no response?  Stop in in-person!  People are just as busy as you are and may not check their emails often.  They may think that your persistence is an asset to their company and want to know more about you.

    3. Ask for more – Yay, you are volunteering for something that you are passionate about! Now that you’ve learned the ropes of their company/business, ask for more projects.  If you have something in mind that you think will be beneficial, ask your boss for permission.  Lots of people are open to fresh, innovative, and creative ideas, that will help them make more of a positive influence in society.  Go for it!

    Now, enjoy the fruits of your labor.  At times, this may be hard work, but it’s worth it in the end.  Stay positive, always keep a smile on your face, and remember your end goal.

    P.S. Are you applying to your dietetic internship? Join Get Matched Coaching for personalized advice that will help you gain confidence that will bring you one step closer to becoming a dietitian!


  • How to Mentally Recover After an MNT Exam

    Imagine this. You finish your MNT exam, with time to spare, and you hand it in to your professor with the biggest smile on your face and you turn around and walk out the door knowing that you are an exceptional student and totally aced it.  Has this ever happened to you?  The anxiety of finishing on time, the worry and second guessing of whether you did that tube feed calculation right, did you give your “patient” enough protein? AH. The mental toll that MNT exams have can last for a while. Here are five tips to help you recover from after an MNT exam:


    Your first instinct when you leave the room after your exam is usually to check your notes to see if you got an answer correct. This is ok, but limit this time.  Dwelling on something that you can’t fix won’t do you any good.  Be confident in your answers.  Adjust your focus to the positive.

    2. EXERCISE.

    As nutrition majors, we know that a healthy and balanced lifestyle includes exercise.  Although this may not be something that you want to do right after your test, the endorphins that are released will help with the stress you just endured. 30 minutes of moderate physical activity will do wonders.

    3. YOGA.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Yoga is the perfect de-stressor.  Whether you go to your local studio or find a great podcast that prompts you with the movements, yoga will help you declutter your mind and center yourself. Stretching out your body and letting go of the day will help you mentally recover from that MNT exam.


    DON’T talk about the exam! Out of sight, out of mind. This is easier said than done, but try focusing on other aspects of your life.


    You deserve it! You studied for hours, rewrote your notes a million times, and stayed up late cramming in every last bit. Reward yourself with something that will make you feel great. Get a mani/pedi, go out for fro-yo, buy that new shirt that you’ve been obsessing over. Knowing that you’ve done your best is all that you can do at this point and treating yourself to something will give you a sense of accomplishment.

    P.S. Now that exams are over, it’s time to start preparing for Match Day!