didactic program in dietetics

  • What is a Coordinated Program in Dietetics?

    Curious about a coordinated program in dietetics? Here are the most frequently asked questions we get about coordinated programs for dietetic students!

    Truthfully, finding a program that will allow you to take all of your didactic classes and hopefully help you successfully become placed with a dietetic internship is hard. Not to mention, finding a dietetic internship can be even more challenging, especially if you went to an undergraduate university where nutrition programs are slim to none.

    Now imagine doing all of your didactic coursework AND your internship at the same time! Coordinated Programs offer a unique experience for future dietitians to study and experience a dietetic internship. Here are some frequent questions I get asked about coordinated programs in dietetics.

    What is a Coordinated Program in Dietetics?

    Coordinated programs are popping up all over the country. A coordinated program in dietetics enrolls and places students in their didactic coursework and dietetic internship.

    Each program tends to be shorter than the traditional DPD than the DI route. They typically last about two and a half years. Coordinated programs challenge students to complete their coursework and supervised practice simultaneously. Though they are shorter, coordinated programs leave students with the same experience and education as every other program without the stress of applying to a dietetic internship!

    Coordinated Programs are becoming more popular. Their shorter timeframe allows students to start their careers as dietitians sooner than traditional programs. They take away the stress of applying to DICAS and enable students to practice while learning about nutrition and the field of dietetics.

    Coordinated programs can be found both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Since a master’s degree will soon be required for upcoming dietitians in 2024, coordinated programs are an excellent option for students who are currently getting an undergraduate education but will miss the timeframe to sit for the RD exam without a master’s degree. 

    Are There any Prerequisites Required for a Coordinated Program at the Master’s Level?

    Many master’s programs will require students to have taken some coursework before enrolling in their coordinated program. Many of the classes required are biology or chemistry-related that typically are completed in undergraduate didactic studies. Some programs allow students to complete these courses throughout their master’s studies. Be sure to reach out to the director of each program you are looking at to understand better what is required.

    Click here to see the typical prerequisite courses for dietetics programs!

    Can I Work While Enrolled in a Coordinated Program in Dietetics?

    YES! Though these programs tend to be more time-consuming, it is possible to work while getting your degree. 

    Time management skills are critical while enrolled in a coordinated program. If you plan your internship hours, classes, and study times appropriately, it is possible to work, enjoy life, and be enrolled in a coordinated program! 

    Coordinated programs allow you to gain experience and become closer to doing the work that you are passionate about when you start the journey to becoming a Registered Dietitian. You can find a list of all schools offering a Coordinated Program here

    PS. If you aren’t sure which path to take on your dietetics journey, please do not worry! You will find what works best for you.



  • Professor Advice to Survive Tough DPD Courses

    Five nutrition and dietetics professors give helpful advice to help you survive challenging DPD courses and get one step closer to becoming a dietitian.

    Everyone knows that studying and hard work are the keys to success. Highlighting your notes, re-reading the chapters over and over, and even making up songs… .we’ve done it all. But what if there was something else that we could do? I picked the brains of professors of notably challenging DPD courses for their secrets to success.

    Study a little bit each day

    Even when you think you know everything, keep going! Over-learning is key to understanding the ins and outs of intricate concepts.

    “It is important to learn to study effectively – one method I used as a student is still considered a useful strategy: over learning. Even when you think you know the material, keep studying – that is, keep reciting the information and keep writing out the information in text form. It will make more and more sense when you do this – you will start seeing the connections better, and understanding will improve.”

    Dr. Carol Johnston, Ph.D., R.D., Director of Nutrition Program and Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism and Research Methods.

    Go the extra mile

    You can’t expect your teachers to feed you everything you need to know; be sure to do the assigned readings, and don’t be afraid to go beyond your textbook and lecture slides to learn the material.

    “As a student in the DPD classes it is critical you come prepared to class. Professors can’t go over all the information in class, so students need to take ownership of their learning, read the assigned chapters, and do additional research to learn the material. Just showing up for class is not going to be enough to be successful.  I know it is easy to memorize the information for the exam, but learning how to apply the information will better prepare you for your internship.”

    Dr. Sandra Mayol-Kreiser, Ph.D., R.D., CNSC, Clinical Associate Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Medical Nutrition Therapy II and Geriatric Nutrition.

    Not the best at test-taking? Start by making your own

    Testing yourself will make you think outside of the box and help you see things from your professor’s perspective.

    “Essentially, I would like to remind students that studying for tough DPD classes should be viewed as a ‘marathon rather than a sprint,’ so instead of cramming a day or two before the exam, try setting aside an hour or so each week to review the content from that week. When studying, try not only to read over your notes but also practice actively engaging in the content by making and answering your practice questions, i.e., “test yourself” before the instructor tests you!”

    Dr. Christy Lespron, Ph.D., R.D., Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Student Affairs at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism.

    Your professors double as a mentor.

    Your professors aren’t just there to teach you the course. They’re there to help you make connections in the field, get you to your next step, or become a confidant and mentor.

    “Ace your DPD courses.  It would help if you were going for the “A” in these core courses, so make sure you put in the extra time to get the best grade possible.  Also, keep in mind that the professors that teach these core courses may also make outstanding references for you.  Get to know them!”

    Joan Salge Blake, MS, R.D., LDN, Clinical Associate Professor at Boston University. Instructor of Community Nutrition.

    Go above and beyond

    Please talk with your professors, rewrite your notes, but it’s also important to enjoy what you’re learning! Enthusiasm leads to excellence so let your passion fuel your desire to succeed. “DPD courses can be challenging, but with a few essential tips, all students can follow. Here are my suggestions for success:

    •   Study a little bit each day…or at least each week. Never wait until the last minute! Even short 10 minute sessions going through notes make a difference! So put down your cell phone when you have a break and pick up your textbook or notes!
    • One of the most helpful things I did as a student was rewritten my notes in my own words and pictures. My goal was to reduce the number of note pages from class by three-quarters so that I had a smaller stack of notes to study from. It can be overwhelming with a giant pile of letters, so this made me feel better. Creating my version of the notes was a huge help in learning the material because after making this new version, I had a much easier time remembering complex information. I used different color pens too. Color has been shown to improve information retention, so give it a try!
    • Constantly ask yourself “why” when studying. If you keep asking this question when looking, it will force you to dig deeper and understand the information. It also assures that you can apply knowledge to critical thinking questions test day and prepare you well for future dietetics internships.
    • Be brave and talk to your professors. They want to help you, so don’t assume they don’t care or have time to help. A few minutes during office hours can go a long way if you struggle with a complex concept or need help with certain information from class.
    • Revel in the wonders of human metabolism and nutrition. Our bodies are amazing, and due to a unique set of reactions and biochemical products, we see unique complexities which result in various states of health and disease. These differences keep dietitians and nutrition professionals striving to help our families, friends, and communities. Enjoy learning all aspects of nutrition science and let it fuel continued curiosity because this will keep you enjoying what you do and take you further than you ever thought possible“.

    Dr. Corrie Whisner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Arizona State University. Instructor of Advanced Human Nutrition I and Nutrigenomics.

    P.S. Are you in yet? Join Get Matched Coaching to learn how to land the dietetic internship of your dreams!


  • How to Mentally Recover After an MNT Exam

    Imagine this. You finish your MNT exam, with time to spare, and you hand it in to your professor with the biggest smile on your face and you turn around and walk out the door knowing that you are an exceptional student and totally aced it.  Has this ever happened to you?  The anxiety of finishing on time, the worry and second guessing of whether you did that tube feed calculation right, did you give your “patient” enough protein? AH. The mental toll that MNT exams have can last for a while. Here are five tips to help you recover from after an MNT exam:


    Your first instinct when you leave the room after your exam is usually to check your notes to see if you got an answer correct. This is ok, but limit this time.  Dwelling on something that you can’t fix won’t do you any good.  Be confident in your answers.  Adjust your focus to the positive.

    2. EXERCISE.

    As nutrition majors, we know that a healthy and balanced lifestyle includes exercise.  Although this may not be something that you want to do right after your test, the endorphins that are released will help with the stress you just endured. 30 minutes of moderate physical activity will do wonders.

    3. YOGA.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Yoga is the perfect de-stressor.  Whether you go to your local studio or find a great podcast that prompts you with the movements, yoga will help you declutter your mind and center yourself. Stretching out your body and letting go of the day will help you mentally recover from that MNT exam.


    DON’T talk about the exam! Out of sight, out of mind. This is easier said than done, but try focusing on other aspects of your life.


    You deserve it! You studied for hours, rewrote your notes a million times, and stayed up late cramming in every last bit. Reward yourself with something that will make you feel great. Get a mani/pedi, go out for fro-yo, buy that new shirt that you’ve been obsessing over. Knowing that you’ve done your best is all that you can do at this point and treating yourself to something will give you a sense of accomplishment.

    P.S. Now that exams are over, it’s time to start preparing for Match Day!