dietetic major

  • 27 Skills to Highlight in the Dietetic Internship Application

    Both soft skills and hard skills can be incorporated into your dietetic internship application to help you land the program of your dreams!

    Developing your skillset before applying to dietetic internship programs is key to success for a happy Match Day. Seeking out volunteer, work, and leadership opportunities can help you gain skills that will make you a stand-out applicant and strong dietetic intern. Plus, these skills will lead you to achieve in your career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist! But what skills should you aim to highlight on your DI application?

    If you need help selling yourself to dietetic internship selection committees, our coaches have the tools and strategies you need to take your application to the next level.

    Here are 27 skills that you should be SHOWING in your application.

    1. Communication Skills
      • Verbal
      • Written
    2. Honesty and Integrity
    3. Interpersonal Skills
      • Relates well to others
    4. Motivation and Initiative
    5. Strong Work Ethic
    6. Teamwork Skills
      • Works well with others
    7. Analytical Skills
    8. Flexibility and Adaptability
    9. Computer Skills
    10. Detail Oriented
    11. Professionalism
    12. Positive Attitude
    13. Time Management
    14. Dedication
    15. Discipline
    16. Goal Setting
    17. Commitment
    18. Multi-cultural Experience
    19. Leadership Skills
    20. Organizational Skills
    21. Self-confidence
    22. Friendly and Outgoing Personality
    23. Tactfulness
    24. Well Mannered and Polite
    25. Creativity
    26. GPA (3.0 or better)
    27. Entrepreneurial Skills

    What are your unique skills and qualities that let you stand out from the crowd? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. Are you applying to the dietetic internship program of your dreams? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any of your concerns, and decide on the next step for your dietitian journey!


  • Exam Study Strategies for #RD2Be’s

    Studying for exams as a nutrition major can be difficult. These study strategies can help you succeed in becoming a Registered Dietitian.

    P.N. and EN equations, Krebs cycle enzymes and intermediates, the steps in the Nutrition Care Process-  there’s a lot of information that a future dietitian must know.  Future RD’s must get good grades in classes and excel in the internship and then pass the R.D. exam. Gone are the days that you have only your textbook and pen and paper to study. Now there are so many online tools that are designed to help you get better grades. Here are five strategies that will help you be more focused and better prepared for your exams.   

    1. Use Flashcards

    You can even save yourself the money you typically spend on 3X5 cards to make flashcards using Study Stack. You can search for flashcards that other students have already made, create your flashcards, and then practice and play games with your online flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to study for any exam. 

    2. Avoid Distractions

    How many times have you clicked on Facebook when you should be studying for that next biochemistry exam? Use ways to help monitor your distractions, like StayFocusd. StayFocusd is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to configure how much time you spend on specific pages. Once your allotted time has been used, the site will be inaccessible for the rest of the day. With nearly 5,000 reviews, this support tool has helped a lot of people stay focused. 

    3. Create Study Groups

    If you live close to your classmates, form a regular study group with study goals set at the beginning of each session. If you would like to connect and study with students virtually, you can use  StudyRoom. StudyRoom allows you to communicate with your classmates by setting up a dashboard and sharing materials or asking questions. You need your school email address, and then you click into specific classes.

    4. Plan studying into your Calendar

    Cramming for a test lowers your ability to retain information. Create a balanced study schedule to help your brain keep what you learn. GoConqr allows you to create a study schedule and manage and track tasks. It also allows you to develop other study tools to gain insight into which topics you are mastering and which ones you need to study more.

    5. Take Breaks to Eat and Move During your Study Sessions

    When you study, you are using energy, so take time to refuel. And take time to stretch and move your body. If you need a reminder, Stand Up! is a flexible work break timer that allows you to set timers within your schedule.

    Finding the right study tools and techniques may be a trial and error process but find what works for you. Have you found an online study tool that has helped you master your nutrition classes?

    P.S. The Study Smarter Method has helped hundreds of RD’s pass the exam. Learn more about Pass The Exam Prep. 


  • How Strong Relationships with My Professors Got Me an Internship… After Match Day

    Check out Dianna Sinni’s advice on the importance of maintaining good relationships with professors and how they can affect the trajectory of your career!

    By Dianna Sinni, RD, LD

    I’ll be honest- I’m a Registered Dietitian who didn’t get matched. I logged into DICAS like every dietetic intern out there, anxiously awaiting to see my match. I felt confident, I had progressed in two phone interviews for two programs, and my personal statement was really well written. I remember my boyfriend was seated next to me on our couch, but he kept getting bored with the waiting game – DICAS was temporarily down due to the high volume of log-ins, no doubt attributed to Match Day.

    A few hours later, it happened – I logged in successfully…but only to see the horrible regrets memo.

    There were tears. A lot of them. But as much as I wanted to crawl into my bed and sob, what good would it really do me? Wallowing in self-pity and sorrow wouldn’t get me into an internship – only I could. And it was too important to me to waste any time.

    You might be wondering: how exactly did she get an internship and become a RD if there was no match?

    Within an hour or two after realizing I hadn’t matched, I IMMEDIATELY (immediacy, of high importance here!) emailed my undergraduate professors (the two who had written my DI recommendations as well) from Keene State College. I was already a few years out from undergrad, but had always kept in contact with my advisor and another professor during those two years post-graduation. This would prove to be the biggest asset to my dietetic internship journey.

    They were both shocked that I hadn’t matched (definitely a confidence booster after the initial sting of not matching) and immediately sent email after email of open intern spots for various programs across the country. There was hope!

    As a prospective dietetic intern, I had no idea that DI program directors connect with each other surrounding match day – something that turned out to be in my favor. I received at least 5 emails from my undergraduate professors of DI and ISSP programs that didn’t match to full capacity and were looking for well recommended interns.

    You might be wondering: so, why didn’t you wait until 2nd rounds?

    Sure, I could have waited a month or so until DICAS reopened and new matches were made with remaining applicants…but why would I want to wait? I took matters into my own hands – I cold-emailed at least 5 DI Program Directors with intern spots available. They sent over their program information and I had two phone interviews for two programs I was strongly considering; all within the 24-48 hours after Match Day.

    In less than 72 hours after not being matched, I was a fully enrolled Dietetic Intern at Sage College’s distance dietetic program. There were some formalities to complete, but I was in! While it wasn’t Plan A, it was the BEST Plan B I could have ever had. My experience was amazing and I am forever grateful for the support of my undergraduate professors. They believed in me because I believed in myself. They knew I was motivated and driven, and in turn were willing to put themselves out there to help me achieve my dream.

    So what does this mean for you?

    It’s never too late to start fostering relationships with your undergraduate professor and advisors. They aren’t just your teacher for a few semesters or the ones who write a DI recommendation letter – they’re the RD’s who can actively help make your dreams of becoming a RD reality and will continue to think of you throughout your career. Here’s a few tips to get started:

    1. Take advantage of office time (but don’t be annoying).

    Stop in to say hello and show serious interest in their classes. They have an immense wealth of knowledge and experience that you can tap into and learn from.

    2. Over summer break or after graduation, stay in touch via email or phone quarterly.

    Let them know what you’ve been up to in the dietetic world or new things you’ve been hearing about in the field.

    While I can’t guarantee you’ll get a DI just by cultivating a great relationship with your professors, I can – with confidence and through experience – say it is such an invaluable asset to your career path.

    Connect with Dianna Sinni here:

    PS. Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!


  • How to Mentally Recover After an MNT Exam

    Imagine this. You finish your MNT exam, with time to spare, and you hand it in to your professor with the biggest smile on your face and you turn around and walk out the door knowing that you are an exceptional student and totally aced it.  Has this ever happened to you?  The anxiety of finishing on time, the worry and second guessing of whether you did that tube feed calculation right, did you give your “patient” enough protein? AH. The mental toll that MNT exams have can last for a while. Here are five tips to help you recover from after an MNT exam:


    Your first instinct when you leave the room after your exam is usually to check your notes to see if you got an answer correct. This is ok, but limit this time.  Dwelling on something that you can’t fix won’t do you any good.  Be confident in your answers.  Adjust your focus to the positive.

    2. EXERCISE.

    As nutrition majors, we know that a healthy and balanced lifestyle includes exercise.  Although this may not be something that you want to do right after your test, the endorphins that are released will help with the stress you just endured. 30 minutes of moderate physical activity will do wonders.

    3. YOGA.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Yoga is the perfect de-stressor.  Whether you go to your local studio or find a great podcast that prompts you with the movements, yoga will help you declutter your mind and center yourself. Stretching out your body and letting go of the day will help you mentally recover from that MNT exam.


    DON’T talk about the exam! Out of sight, out of mind. This is easier said than done, but try focusing on other aspects of your life.


    You deserve it! You studied for hours, rewrote your notes a million times, and stayed up late cramming in every last bit. Reward yourself with something that will make you feel great. Get a mani/pedi, go out for fro-yo, buy that new shirt that you’ve been obsessing over. Knowing that you’ve done your best is all that you can do at this point and treating yourself to something will give you a sense of accomplishment.

    P.S. Now that exams are over, it’s time to start preparing for Match Day!