RD exam

  • Our Favorite GRE Study Resources

    The GRE company recommends that each test taker spends at least three months preparing for the exam, so here are study resources to help you do your best!

    The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test all potential grad school students must take as a part of their application process. We’ve compiled our favorite resources to help you score your best!

    GRE PowerPrep Online

    The test maker made this software, giving you the best overview and helping you get a good feel for how questions are asked in a simple format. It goes over each section of the test and comes with two practice tests. Even better? It’s free! Bonus: PowerPrep Plus is available for $39.95 and includes extra resources.

    Kaplan Test Prep

    Kaplan offers four different options of test prep: in-person, live online, private tutoring, or self-paced. They provide a free consultation to see which option is best for you and personalize your study plan. It is an investment, but it’s worth it if this is what you are looking for.

    Manhattan GRE Prep

    Manhattan is a great source that provides a free practice test and even has in-depth explanations for each question’s answer. The practice tests mirror the actual GRE and track your progress, so you know what you need to focus on.

    Other Tips

    • Need help with a particular topic? Head over to Khan Academy, where you’ll find instructional and in-depth videos on almost any subject.
    • No time to make hundreds of vocabulary flashcards? Scour Quizlet to find some GRE vocabulary flashcards already made. Just press print, and voila.
    • Don’t be shy to ask for extra help if you’ve forgotten about a specific topic (looking at you, geometry). Finding a tutor could make all the difference.
    • Are you still enrolled in school? Some universities offer free or reduced-fee GRE resources. Head over to your student services building to find out more.

    P.S. Are you a dietetic intern preparing for the R.D. Exam? Pass the Exam Tutoring can teach you how to study smarter, not harder, to increase your chances of passing the exam!


  • Exam Study Strategies for #RD2Be’s

    Studying for exams as a nutrition major can be difficult. These study strategies can help you succeed in becoming a Registered Dietitian.

    P.N. and EN equations, Krebs cycle enzymes and intermediates, the steps in the Nutrition Care Process-  there’s a lot of information that a future dietitian must know.  Future RD’s must get good grades in classes and excel in the internship and then pass the R.D. exam. Gone are the days that you have only your textbook and pen and paper to study. Now there are so many online tools that are designed to help you get better grades. Here are five strategies that will help you be more focused and better prepared for your exams.   

    1. Use Flashcards

    You can even save yourself the money you typically spend on 3X5 cards to make flashcards using Study Stack. You can search for flashcards that other students have already made, create your flashcards, and then practice and play games with your online flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to study for any exam. 

    2. Avoid Distractions

    How many times have you clicked on Facebook when you should be studying for that next biochemistry exam? Use ways to help monitor your distractions, like StayFocusd. StayFocusd is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to configure how much time you spend on specific pages. Once your allotted time has been used, the site will be inaccessible for the rest of the day. With nearly 5,000 reviews, this support tool has helped a lot of people stay focused. 

    3. Create Study Groups

    If you live close to your classmates, form a regular study group with study goals set at the beginning of each session. If you would like to connect and study with students virtually, you can use  StudyRoom. StudyRoom allows you to communicate with your classmates by setting up a dashboard and sharing materials or asking questions. You need your school email address, and then you click into specific classes.

    4. Plan studying into your Calendar

    Cramming for a test lowers your ability to retain information. Create a balanced study schedule to help your brain keep what you learn. GoConqr allows you to create a study schedule and manage and track tasks. It also allows you to develop other study tools to gain insight into which topics you are mastering and which ones you need to study more.

    5. Take Breaks to Eat and Move During your Study Sessions

    When you study, you are using energy, so take time to refuel. And take time to stretch and move your body. If you need a reminder, Stand Up! is a flexible work break timer that allows you to set timers within your schedule.

    Finding the right study tools and techniques may be a trial and error process but find what works for you. Have you found an online study tool that has helped you master your nutrition classes?

    P.S. The Study Smarter Method has helped hundreds of RD’s pass the exam. Learn more about Pass The Exam Prep.