school tips

  • Stay Organized This Semester with These Top Tips

    Staying organized as a nutrition and dietetics student isn’t easy. Below are my top tips to help you stay on track to become a Registered Dietitian.

    Could you write it down?

    It’s tempting to ditch your planner for an app on your phone, but studies have shown that writing it down helps you remember it more. Invest in a cute planner (see ideas here) and never forget an assignment again.

    Keep a schedule.

    As much as you want to sleep in until noon on the weekends when you’ve been waking up super early during the week, trying to compensate for your sleep can make you more tired! You’ll be more productive when your schedule isn’t all over the place.

    Get rid of distractions.

    Whether it is a PC or Mac, many computers have programs that you can download that let you limit the amount of time spent on distracting websites (we’re talking about you, Facebook, and Instagram). Nix the temptation and get that essay done first!

    Find balance.

    It’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything you have to do this semester – from homework to volunteering or even working – it can get a little daunting to balance it all. Set aside 30 minutes to an hour each day to focus on yourself and do something for you, whether a yoga class or a quick Netflix binge. Your mind and body will thank you!


    Triage, taking care of the most important thing first, will help big tasks seem more doable. Get that group project out of the way, so you don’t have to worry about it. Can’t figure out where to start? Try making a to-do list so you can check off your assignments as you go!

    What are your best tips to stay organized? Sound off in the comments.

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Join the Get Matched Course to gain the confidence and clarity you need to get a dietetic internship!



    Staying focused during the summer can be challenging as a dietetic student. Use these tips to help you enter the upcoming semester feeling prepared and refreshed.

    OK, the dog days of summer are almost over (trust us, we’re sad too!). For me, summer is a time to explore, have fun with friends, and…prepare for the upcoming school year. Wait. What? Using your summer can help you go from average to a stand-out student. Here are my tips for staying on your A-GAME during those summer months.

    Set up informational interviews with RDs who inspire you.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I love meeting new people (especially in a professional atmosphere) so that I can hear their stories. Everyone has a little gem or piece of wisdom they are willing to share; you just have to ask!

    Do I set these interviews up expecting to earn a job upon completion of my Dietetic Internship? No way! These informal interviews allow you to learn about the wide variety of careers in the nutrition world and help you expand your network of people in the nutrition world.

    So pick up the phone and set a coffee date with an RD that is inspiring to you.

    Volunteer in your community.

    Volunteering is another excellent way to meet other people in the nutrition world, gain experience, and possibly tap into a passion you didn’t even know existed.

    Some volunteer ideas that are fit for foodies are Cooking Matters, local races, and local food banks.

    Rest and relax.

    Yep, I said it…relaxing will help you stay on your A-GAME. During the school year, our brains are preoccupied with studying, working part-time jobs, getting involved in the school’s dietetic association, building our resumes, and the list goes on. According to current research, it’s SO important to give our brains mental downtime, and the summer is the perfect time to do it. Rest is when our brain can absorb and make sense of all of the information it has gathered over time.

    So this is your permission to take a nap, meditate, take a yoga class, or go for a casual walk. It’s good for you!

    Have fun!

    After all, it is summer. Use this as your chance to get creative and do something that you LOVE to do. Train for a race, bake a cake, host a dinner party, hang out with friends, go on vacation, whatever it is that brings you pure joy…do it!

    Let’s hear from you:

    • What is one way you are having fun this summer?
    • How do YOU stay on your A-GAME during the summer?

    PS Are you in yet? Sign up for our newsletter here to receive monthly webinar invitations, free resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and so much more!