Our free assessment can help you determine if you are match-worthy and on the right track to landing the dietetic internship program of your dreams!

Each year there are more applicants than dietetic internship spots available, this results in a dietetic internship match rate of around 65%. Many applicants have similar resumes, so how can you ensure you are truly match-worthy?

Strong GPA:

Some programs have a minimum gpa requirement, this is important to note before applying to the program. Having above a 3.75 overall and DPD gpa will ensure you will stand out. But, it does not guarantee you will match! You still have to be a well rounded candidate. Similarly, having a lower gpa does not automatically mean you won’t match to a program. If you do have a low gpa it is important to be realistic and apply to programs that match your gpa. You can find out the average gpa of interns in a program utilizing our DI Database, click here.

Is this your second career? Do you have a graduate degree already?

If you already have a second degree this is a good way to stand out. It makes you unique but it does not guarantee you are match-worthy.

Are you open to distance programs?

Distance programs are programs that can be geographically anywhere. With distance programs you are responsible for setting up your own rotations. Setting up rotations for yourself takes a lot of work and self-discipline, typically these programs have lower amounts of applicants than the traditional DI.

Did you pass the DTR exam?

If you pass the DTR exam and are working as a DTR this is a great way to enhance your application. While it does not guarantee you are match-worthy it does show that you are committed to the field and have solid experience.

What areas do you have experience?

Obtaining clinical experience is HARD, if you were able to obtain any kind of clinical experience major props to you! Do you have community or food-service experience? Any experience you obtained besides shadowing or course-required experiences shows you are go-getter! Internship directors look for this!

Alright, so now you have a little background about what makes an applicant match-worthy so now it is time to do get the assessment rubric and see where you stand!