Dietetics Major

  • 9 Inspiring 1-Minute Videos from Future Dietitians

    We’ve compiled nine motivating, inspiring, and fun videos from future dietitians across the country so you can learn, laugh, and stay on track to become an R.D.!

    This past fall, we held the most epic America’s Next Top Dietitian contest! Here are the top 10 finalists and their inspiration-filled videos. Trust me; these are WELL worth the watch. And ICYMI, Rebecca Yellin, was our winner, and we featured her story here! 

    1) Jessica Isaacs, Palmdale, CA

    2) Noah Warren, West Palm Beach, FL

    3) Rebecca Yellin, Montclair, New Jersey

    4) Tara Rochford, Denver, CO

    5) Sami Blumenthal, Deerfield, IL

    6) Jessica Liu, Plano, Texas

    7) Isabelle Gawel, Long Beach, CA

    8) Jason Douglas McMurray, Honolulu, HI

    9) Kara Kash, Hickory Hills, IL



    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any of your concerns, and decide on the next step for your dietitian journey!


  • Our Top 20 Favorite Food Puns of All Time

    Narrowing it down to only 20 puns we’re NUTS about wasn’t easy. Use these Registered Dietitian-approved puns with your RD2BE friends!

    We’re NUTS about food puns here at All Access Dietetics. Narrowing it down to only 20 favorites was sure a challenge but these food puns are sure to hit the spot. So, lettuce not delay, and get this punny party started!

    Schedule your free coaching call with Jenny today to discuss your background, address any of your concerns, and decide on the next step for your dietitian journey!

    1. Drop a beet

    2. Eat more hole foods

    3. It’s sherbert day

    4. I’m fried

    5. I juiced

    6. I can’t concentrate!

    7. I’m a little cooler

    8. Guac on

    9. Waffle abs

    10. Butternut squash me

    11. Peas romaine calm

    12. Sodium cute

    13. A-mean-oh acid

    14. Trash talking

    15. Rock out, broc out

    16. You’re just jelly

    17. I’m bringing sexy bok

    18. Wanna taco ’bout it

    19. Take whisks

    20. Lettuce celebrate

    What are your favorite food puns? Share in the comments below or tag us on INSTAGRAM!


  • The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Future Dietitians

    After a year of long work, every future dietitian deserves a new gift. We’ve compiled our favorites below so you can treat the RD2be in your life!

    Happy Holidays from the All Access Dietetics team! We put together the ultimate gift guide sure to please any future dietitian. Share this list with your friends, family, and co-workers, or treat yourself!

    Drift Away Coffee Subscription

    Any college student will tell you that coffee is the key to a successful semester. For rd2be’s, it’s that and so much more! Driftway is a subscription service that will keep your mornings and late nights fueled all year round.

    Makin’ it Grain Tote Bag

    Go green with this cute, reusable foodie tote! Take it with you to the grocery store and farmers market, use it as a bookbag, even take it with you as a carry-on while traveling! Brought to you by


    ClassPass is a subscription service that connects you to hundreds of fitness studios in your area. What better way to treat your nutrition best friend than giving the gift of morning yoga sessions, gym memberships, and so much more!

    Nutrition Stripped Cookbook

    McKel Hill, MS, RDN has captured the hearts of millions, including future dietitians. From her incredibly creative recipes to Instagram-worthy photos – we can’t get enough! Luckily for us, her cookbook is out, and it is everything.

    Caffeine Mug

    This caffeine chemical formula mug will amuse any dietetic student, intern, or RD – whether they loved or hated chemistry!

    Kale Addict Crewneck

    We love how comfy this crewneck feels and the fact that it professes our love for the leafy green, too! A perfect addition to the #rd2be wardrobe.

    Non-slip Shoes

    Yup, you read that correctly. Nonstick shoes are a must in kitchens to prevent falls and are a practical gift that any dietetic student or intern would appreciate. Because who wants to buy themselves ugly shoes?

    A New Planner

    A planner is a MUST when you are a nutrition major. Passion Planner sets itself apart as being more than just a planner, but a to-do, goal-setting guide, sketchbook, and more, too.

    Get Matched Coaching

    Whether you are in the early stages of your dietetics degree or while preparing internship applications, All Access Dietetics has you covered. What better gift to receive than the gift of endless resources, confidence, and the support you need to get matched to a dietetic internship!

    Krause’s Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 14 edition

    Krause’s textbook is THE nutrition bible, and every rd2be, intern, and RD uses it as a resource. Although the editions go out of style, the need for this textbook does not. Two thumbs up to gifting the newest edition.

    Peanut Butter is my Spirit Animal

    Eat Healthy Designs gets us! After all, peanut butter is our Spirit Animal. 

    Yellow Pepper Badge Reel

    O.M.G., how cute is this badge reel? The seller on has several different food-related reels to choose from. Perfect for a school or hospital badge.

    Healthy Human Tumbler

    Keep coffee hot for class or water ice-cold for the gym; either way, a healthy human has you covered!

    For more things, RD2BEs would love, visit our AMAZON store! 

    PS. Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!


  • How to Choose What Dietetic Internships to Apply To

    Take the time to investigate your options and think about what you want to get out of your dietetic internship. Follow these tips to help you decide.

    What do you want out of an internship? This is a big question that can help you find your best path to becoming a Registered Dietitian. In this post, I will go through some ways to help you make that decision.

    Schedule a free call with Jenny today to discuss your backgrounds, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps of your dietitian journey!

    Define What you Want

    What do YOU want out of your dietetic internship? We all know by now that there is a great possibility we might not get matched with our first choice, but do you want to sit back and wonder what if? I have heard of students who decided not to apply somewhere because they thought it was too tough to get in, even though it may have been their dream internship.

    Keep in mind that this is a time in your life where you can afford to be a little selfish. I realize that many people are not in a situation where they can move around the country, but if you are, embrace it! Be sure that you are choosing internships that are right for you based on your needs and wants, not based on convenience or the desires of others. If your top choice happens to be across the street or happens to be the same one that your best friend is ranking first, then that’s great! If not, listen to your gut– it’s usually right.

    Many factors differentiate each internship program from the other. Consider what you can realistically afford to do and choose from programs that match your interests and experiences. I was willing to look across the country for internships.

    I knew I wanted a general emphasis, was attracted to teaching hospitals, did not want a graduate degree yet, and wanted the option to do an elective rotation in Chicago (my hometown). Massachusetts General Hospital offered all of that to me, and that is where I got matched. When you apply to programs that match what you are interested in, your genuine enthusiasm for the program will shine through to the selection committee and reflect well on your application. The match works two ways—both you and the program should fit well with each other. Proving you are the perfect fit is what the application is for! Let’s dive deeper into defining what you want in an internship.

    Deciding Factors

    • Location
    • Cost
    • Emphasis
    • Grad School
    • Electives
    • Affiliation
    • Rotation Sites

    Final Thoughts

    Have an open mind, and don’t be limited by the internship location, unless you desire to live in a particular area. Also, keep that open mind as you go through your internship; you could start with a passion for pediatrics and end with a passion for geriatrics!

    Visit the internship program if it is logistically and financially possible. Meet the internship director; let the director put a face with your name! Also, observe the surrounding location of the internship and what that city has to offer. If you don’t like the site, it will make the internship that much harder. Contact previous interns and get their feedback about their experience beyond the workday. Past dietetic interns are more likely to tell you about how they de-stressed from the internship than directors. And again, have an open mind when applying and as you go through your internship program.

    Make it Happen

    • Develop your list of deciding factors and define what you want out of an internship.
    • Keep these deciding factors in mind as your narrow down your list of worthy programs.
    • Start going through options early on! The earlier you start, the better off you will be.
    • Create a top-10 list, and narrow it down to your final 4-5 choices at least two months before the deadline.

    P.S. Want someone to tell you exactly where you should apply to increase your chances of getting matched? Get Matched Coaching is for you.


  • What Kept Me Healthy When Becoming an RD

    Staying physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy when becoming a Registered Dietitian is difficult. Lisa Carrigg, MS, RD shares her advice to succeed!

    Break Body Movement Time into Bite Size Pieces

    Between moving to a new city, starting graduate school and trying to keep a part time job, I struggled to adjust from my previous rigorous work out routine into something that still fulfilled my need to move and work while not resulting in stretching myself too thin. As someone who also strongly dislikes sitting, I got creative and readjusted my view of what working out and fitness looked like.

    When you know you are going to have a day of what I call extreme sitting, set yourself up so you can stand or stretch in the back of the classroom. I loved the “Daily” apps you can get for you smart phone because I could do 5, 8 or 10 minutes of shuffled moves for my arms or legs etc. right when I woke up or when I needed a break from studying. I also loved doing online barre3 classes and fitness blender videos with friends. Walk and talk meetings are a favorite of mine too. Redefine what getting moving looks like so it’s satisfying to you and fits your routine. Not everyone likes the gym and not everyone enjoys yoga. It’s all good.

    Learn to Say No Thank You

    With so many different and often equally wonderful opportunities in front of you to grow professionally and personally, it’s easy to slip into having a calendar with every minute, hour, day and weekend scheduled. Fairly quickly, this exciting packed schedule becomes stressful. Growing yourself professionally and seeking new opportunities and contacts is a part of your journey, but so is learning how to say no thank you. You do not have to do absolutely everything that comes your way and you do not have to feel bad for saying no to something. Even if you are saying no to something extra because you just need a moment of time just for you during which you have nothing you are suppose to be doing. Be thoughtful about your intentions behind choosing what to say yes to and that will help guide you in when to say no. How will this opportunity or experience help you grow? Why do I want to do this?

    Take Time to Feed Yourself Well and in Good Company

    I’m studying nutrition you say, I love food you say, I’m going to be an RDN you say. Of course I say, but you still need to nourish yourself so you can do all those awesome things. You are still human and probably a very busy one. All I am saying is to take time every now and then to share a meal with good company over good conversation. Conversation that is about the stuff that makes up life. It doesn’t need to be fancy food or in a fancy place, it should just be done with love. Nourishing others while they nourish you helps build everyone up (plus there might be leftovers!). Some of the best times I have had during the busiest seasons of my life are over lovingly made food accompanied by warm hugs, laughter and smiles. Feed your face and your soul.

    It’s Okay to Cry Sometimes

    When we are struggling, sometimes it’s easier to put on a good face, especially around friends or family who are on very different journeys (seemingly more successful or easy). Your journey is special and it’s not fair to compare it to anyone else’s, because it will never look or be like anyone else’s and that is something to cherish. It’s hard for those who love you to love on you more when you need it, however, if you don’t let them in. It’s okay to cry. In fact, it can be very therapeutic. We grow when we work through challenges. Finding a nurturing community to be a part of such as a church, a sports group, dance studio or perhaps even your school can help provide you additional emotional support. Who can you lean on when you need to? Do you tell yourself it’s okay to feel how you are feeling?

    Practice Kindness and Thankfulness

    Show kindness towards others as often as you can but especially towards yourself. Sometimes we expect so much of ourselves we get in the rut of only seeing what we think we did wrong. Stop yourself. Take time to re-set the thoughts you are feeding yourself and others about who you truly are. When you are feeling down take a few minutes to make a list of all the things you are thankful for or a list of all of the positive and unique things about who you are. Thank others often with hand written thank you notes or kind words. If you think something nice you should share it out loud. What can you be thankful for right now? What is one thing about you that you absolutely love (physical, emotional, skill wise, etc) ?

    About the Author: Lisa Carrigg is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with her Masters in Nutrition. She provides 1-on-1 virtual nutrition & wellness coaching at & has an integrative, whole foods, plant based approach. She believes in meeting individuals where they are at and providing knowledge and guidance to empower them to meet their personal goals. Lisa is also a contributing expert to the Healthy Grocery Girl Membership & Community. To learn more & connect with Lisa visit 

    Healthy Grocery Girl® is a wellness and video production company helping busy people and families enjoy real food and natural living. Healthy Grocery Girl keeps it simple and fun with weekly online videos & is the #1 Family Friendly Dietitian Channel on YouTubeHealthy Grocery Girl also provides an online wellness membership with meal plans, nutrition programs, video courses & shopping guides as well as video production services for brands looking to tell their story through digital content. 

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!


  • How Scheduling a Date Could be Your Best First Step on Your DICAS Journey

    Spending time with yourself is a key to success in your DICAS journey. These tips can help you land the dietetic internship of your dreams!

    When you schedule a date with someone you are interested in, you typically don’t cancel. You pick a meeting location that is comfortable, you put away your phone and minimize other distractions because, hey- you’re on a date. You want to spend some quality time with someone, right? Well, when was the last time you truly spent time like that with yourself?

    Click here to join our future dietitian newsletter for monthly webinar invites, free resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and so much more!

    Spending some serious solo time as you begin to embark on all the craziness and moving parts that is the DICAS process could be your key to a smoother, more successful journey, and the sooner you start, the better. A lot of what is being asked of you in this process is accomplished from you knowing yourself well. Now I’m not saying you don’t know yourself per say, but you really need to know what you want and don’t want career-wise and in your personal life and be able to express that in a sincere and concise way (personal statement, resume, interviews…oh yeah, all of them). Grades of course count, extracurricular activities, job experience – all of those good things. What can set you up for greater success comes from spending time getting to know yourself truthfully as you are right now and making plans for what you need. I could not be more thankful for fellow students and staff in my program at Bastyr whom invested in helping me on my journey and I hope to pass on some of what I consider the most helpful tips I picked up along the way to you.

    So turn off your phones, pick a time and a place where you are comfortable and won’t be interrupted, get yourself a beverage of choice and settle in for some quality date time. I would recommend the following four self-date activities.

    1. Create a Self Care Plan

    DICAS is like a new acquaintance you are desperate to impress and with whom you hope above all else every interaction goes smoothly with. Something, whether big or small, is likely to go not quite as planned during this process though and already having a solid self-care plan in place will help you navigate these bumpy patches. While you’re busy pouring so much of yourself out into other things, it is key to be sure you are also pouring back into the amazing and gifted YOU.

    To create your self-care plan to keep you sane and healthy, spend time thinking about the things that nourish you. What really lifts your spirits, makes you feel refreshed, relaxed, good about yourself, etc. How can you work these into your schedule? Is it a bubble bath? Hitting the dance floor? Cooking dinner with a good friend? Self-care time can look like anything as long as it nourishes and lifts you up. Make a list of at least ten things. Practicing self-care is taking time to value yourself and make sure you are getting what you need.

    2. Practice STAR Statements

    One of the things I worked on during the DICAS prep classes my advisor Dr. Harris led, which although I definitely tried to avoid doing, are what’s called a STAR. You should do these before you embark on revamping your resume or crafting your personal statement or essays. They will also help you feel more prepared later on for potential interviews. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Results. There are various resources online when you Google STAR statements that describe in detail how to craft them. It’s a specific exercise that helps you work on describing your unique skills and abilities succinctly and with specific examples or mini stories, so to say. It can be a little bit of a painful process, but trust me, it is well worth it.

    3. Identify and Make Time for a Mentor

    We all need people in our corner. The kind of people you can be completely honest and vulnerable with and whom you know will be honest but loving back to you. Who are these people going to be for you? Maybe it’s a counselor, a friend, a professor or a family member. Just know that those who haven’t been through and aren’t going through DICAS don’t completely understand what your experience is like. That’s okay, because sometimes you need to come up for a breath of fresh air and have a conversation that doesn’t include DICAS. Seriously, make it a point to have extended conversation that doesn’t somehow circle back to DICAS. Spend time thinking of at least two people you feel you can be vulnerable with and who you feel help remind you to be true to yourself and follow your heart as you work to do your best in all parts of your life. When can you plan a date with them?

    4. Practice Shutting Down your Desire to Compare

    You may be going through DICAS with a group of other people. If I haven’t hinted at this enough let me say it directly, this is YOUR unique journey. While commiserating is a common thing to gravitate towards in a group experience or during a challenging process, do your best to limit it. Practice shutting down self-comparison commentary both internally and externally which is easy to fall prey to in a group setting, even a supportive one.

    You are different, your past and your future, from anyone else and this process is about YOU. Feed yourself true and honest, but positive things, about yourself as well as others. You have your own gifts and talents, focus on what you have and what makes you unique, and practice finding joy in celebrating those things in others. (Read more advice on this topic here.)

    About the Author: Lisa Carrigg is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with her Masters in Nutrition. She provides 1-on-1 virtual nutrition & wellness coaching at & has an integrative, whole foods, plant based approach. She believes in meeting individuals where they are at and providing knowledge and guidance to empower them to meet their personal goals. Lisa is also a contributing expert to the Healthy Grocery Girl Membership & Community. To learn more & connect with Lisa visit

    Healthy Grocery Girl® is a wellness and video production company helping busy people and families enjoy real food and natural living. Healthy Grocery Girl keeps it simple and fun with weekly online videos & is the #1 Family Friendly Dietitian Channel on YouTube. Healthy Grocery Girl also provides an online wellness membership with meal plans, nutrition programs, video courses & shopping guides as well as video production services for brands looking to tell their story through digital content.


  • Exam Study Strategies for #RD2Be’s

    Studying for exams as a nutrition major can be difficult. These study strategies can help you succeed in becoming a Registered Dietitian.

    P.N. and EN equations, Krebs cycle enzymes and intermediates, the steps in the Nutrition Care Process-  there’s a lot of information that a future dietitian must know.  Future RD’s must get good grades in classes and excel in the internship and then pass the R.D. exam. Gone are the days that you have only your textbook and pen and paper to study. Now there are so many online tools that are designed to help you get better grades. Here are five strategies that will help you be more focused and better prepared for your exams.   

    1. Use Flashcards

    You can even save yourself the money you typically spend on 3X5 cards to make flashcards using Study Stack. You can search for flashcards that other students have already made, create your flashcards, and then practice and play games with your online flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to study for any exam. 

    2. Avoid Distractions

    How many times have you clicked on Facebook when you should be studying for that next biochemistry exam? Use ways to help monitor your distractions, like StayFocusd. StayFocusd is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to configure how much time you spend on specific pages. Once your allotted time has been used, the site will be inaccessible for the rest of the day. With nearly 5,000 reviews, this support tool has helped a lot of people stay focused. 

    3. Create Study Groups

    If you live close to your classmates, form a regular study group with study goals set at the beginning of each session. If you would like to connect and study with students virtually, you can use  StudyRoom. StudyRoom allows you to communicate with your classmates by setting up a dashboard and sharing materials or asking questions. You need your school email address, and then you click into specific classes.

    4. Plan studying into your Calendar

    Cramming for a test lowers your ability to retain information. Create a balanced study schedule to help your brain keep what you learn. GoConqr allows you to create a study schedule and manage and track tasks. It also allows you to develop other study tools to gain insight into which topics you are mastering and which ones you need to study more.

    5. Take Breaks to Eat and Move During your Study Sessions

    When you study, you are using energy, so take time to refuel. And take time to stretch and move your body. If you need a reminder, Stand Up! is a flexible work break timer that allows you to set timers within your schedule.

    Finding the right study tools and techniques may be a trial and error process but find what works for you. Have you found an online study tool that has helped you master your nutrition classes?

    P.S. The Study Smarter Method has helped hundreds of RD’s pass the exam. Learn more about Pass The Exam Prep. 


  • 10 Thoughts Every Nutrition Major Has During Class

    Maybe you’re in a lecture, and you let your mind wander- we’ve all done that! As a nutrition major, these thoughts will run through your head.

    There’s nothing like sitting in class and dreaming about what you’ll have for dinner when you’re supposed to be focused on TPN calculations. As a nutrition major, you’re only human, and you might get off topic sometimes. You might find yourself thinking these now and again – but you aren’t the only one!

    1. Is it time for lunch yet?

    Time to check the clock… again.

    2. Should I sleep or study after this?

    Be productive or take some me-time? I can’t decide.

    3. I understand, Ochem!

    Keep paying attention, or it might just get away from me again.

    4. Of course, the person next to me brings celery…

    Plain celery. Is that even tasty?

    5. That reminds me… what should I make for dinner?

    Leftovers vs. takeout vs. trying a new recipe from that blog?

    6. Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis… yup, I got this.

    I will need to study this again later.

    7. If I don’t get an internship, I can be some Krebs cycle expert.

    Maybe that job exists!

    8. Or write a book with PES statements for any possible situation.

    Now this one could be helpful. I’m onto something!

    9. Maybe I should’ve picked an easier major?

    I’m sure there is something easier out there than this.

    10. No way, I love being a nutrition student.

    And I wouldn’t change it for the world. Even during the chaos of finals, I was applying to a dietetic internship and completing 1200 hours of supervised practice. It will all be worth it to become a Registered Dietitian!

    P.S. Give your application a complete makeover with Get Matched Coaching!


  • Evidence-Based Nutrition Information At Your Finger Tips

    I narrowed down some of my favorite websites that provide some of the most up-to-date, scientific, evidence-based information. Check it out!

    It’s that time of year again.  Your professors are starting in with the research paper requests. Our advice? Pick a topic, research the case, ensure that your research is EVIDENCED-BASED, and don’t forget the citations page.  My biggest worry when I was assigned a research paper was finding a topic where there was enough evidence-based research so that there was some truth to what I was saying.  After many semesters of stress and panic, I’ve found these resources provide information that any nutrition student would geek out about.

    The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    If you’re not a student member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, you should be! As a member, you get the Food & Nutrition magazine sent to you physically or virtually every month. You also gain access to their database of research articles from various journals.  All evidenced-based information, of course! An Academy membership is a win-win.

    The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    This website is specific to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Throughout these pages, you will be able to obtain all the research articles and abstracts from the journal’s archives.  There is always that one article you read three months ago that you wish you had now for that specific research topic.

    PubMed (the National Institutes of Health)

    The National Institute of Health has some great information on its website.  If you click on the PubMed link, it will bring you to a database that allows you to search by whatever topics you choose.  *Hint- if you are googling anything nutrition/science related, add NIH in the search bar, and it should bring you to evidence-based articles and information immediately so that you don’t have to weed through the information that we know isn’t true.

    If you have any websites that you use for evidenced-based research information that I didn’t mention and you would like to share, please share the wealth in the comments section!  Also, don’t forget that your school’s library usually has a lot of access to journal articles that you may have to pay for if you don’t log in as a student.  The library is always overseen, but it has some great tricks on getting the information you want for free!

    P.S. Subscribe to our Newsletter for more evidence-based articles sent right to your email!


  • You Know You’re a Dietetics Major When…

    These hilarious dietetic memes hit a little too close to home.

    1. Your mini-fridge and purse are stuffed with snacks.

    via GIPHY

    Nobody likes it when we get hangry…


    2. Lab involves recipe experimentation.

    via GIPHY

    Some experiments turn out better than others

    3. You’ve tried to explain “dietetics” one too many times.

    via GIPHY

    Nutrition…it means I study nutrition


    4. You get excited when you see kale salad on the menu.

    via GIPHY

    Kale yeah!


    5. Your Instagram feed is full of food puns.

    via GIPHY

    Lettuce turnip the beet!


    6. You find yourself spending hours in the grocery store comparing nutrition labels, and you don’t mind one bit.

    via GIPHY

    This is my happy place.


    7. Your favorite dessert has sweet potato, avocado, or black beans in it.

    Happy Eating GIFs | Tenor

    via Tenor

    And no one ever knows…

    8. And then they constantly judge your food choices.

    via GIPHY

    I’m not on a diet, just trying to get all the nutrients I can by eating ALL the fruits and veggies. And yes, I love salad (silence).

    9. And you feel so good when the test is over, and you’ve ACED the material.

    via GIPHY

    Crushed it!


    10. You’ve mastered the PES statement. 

    via GIPHY

    Dang, that feels good.


    11. Since your food safety course, you kind of freak out about taking food temperatures and following proper sanitation guidelines when cooking at home.

    via GIPHY

    Ummmm…that chicken breast is cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit. And you washed your hands immediately after handling the raw chicken?


    12. The thought of applying for a dietetic internship/grad school is like….

    via GIPHY


    13. Despite all the stress and hard work, you know that it will all be worth it when you are in a career you are truly passionate about!

    via GIPHY


    What #RD2Be moments can you relate to?

    Click here to check out our Instagram for more memes that are just too relatable.

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? As an AAI member, you’ll join hundreds of future dietitians and get the confidence and clarity you need to get a dietetic internship! Choose your membership


  • 5 Unexpected Nutrition Jobs

    This list is sure to get you excited about the unique opportunities and possibilities in store for your future in dietetics.

    Did you know there is an American Overseas Dietetic Association and even pet dietitians? One of the remarkable things about dietetics is that there are so many routes one can pursue. Here’s a list of 5 unexpected jobs in nutrition that may spark your interest. 


    Kate Campbell is a registered dietitian with Commonwealth Healthcare Corp on the island of Saipan. After five years without a dietitian, she was hired by the hospital to build up the dietary department. Read her interview with Nutrition Awareness here.

    2. FARMER RD

    Once an ICU dietitian, Diana Dyer decided to pursue a different end of the dietetics spectrum by focusing on disease prevention as an RD-Farmer and “growing the food her community needs to become a healthy community.”  Read more about what her job entails here.


    Barbara Storper was asked to give a presentation on nutrition at an inner-city school. To connect with the children in “their language,” she utilized juggling, audience participation, magic, and more. Her shows have been a tremendous success and have now reached more than 3 million school children across the country. Read more about her here.


    Kara Nielsen identifies new food trends and advises her clients, for example, restaurants, on what will be prominent in the food world and when. This job requires love for research as she’s frequently studying menus across the country and the news for new information. Read an interview with Kara here.


    Helen Porter is a pet nutrition clinician from Porter Pet Pals Animal Nutrition Services. She focuses on providing services to those animals in need of a nutrition care plan or diet management, according to her interview with Today’s Dietitian. Read more about her tips for pet RD’s here.

    BONUS: Do you want to learn more about unique dietitian jobs? The FREE Dietitian Dream Jobs e-book is for you! 75+ exciting careers for registered dietitians. Click here to get this free e-book straight to your inbox.

    P.S. Read about Founder Jenny Westerkamp’s unique career path in entrepreneurship and sports nutrition! Plus, she shares lessons learned along the way!

    P.P.S. Read more about various nutrition-related jobs here and here.



  • 5 Myths About Being a Dietetics Major

    Studying nutrition means sometimes you’re learning the Krebs cycle, and others you’re baking cookies. Here are our top myths about being a dietetics major.

    Are you looking to land the dietetic internship of your dreams? Schedule your free call with Jenny today to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!

    All we do is study food.

    Almost all DPD coursework includes anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology…shall I go on? We know the ins and outs of metabolic pathways and can balance a chemical equation like nobody’s business, but we also know how to make a killer acai bowl and prevent foodborne illness. After all, we are food and nutrition experts- in every area of the field!

    Everyone follows the gluten-free-dairy-free-paleo-low-FODMAP diet.

    We know the importance of a well-balanced diet more than anyone, and that one diet doesn’t fit all. Cheat days are often plenty, but we strive to practice what we preach and eat for health. You can find many of us experimenting with new recipes, too.

    The only students who get internships have straight A’s

    There are so many other components to your application than your grades. Yes, they are essential, but so are your volunteer experiences, work experiences, personal statement, and letters of recommendation.

    Ochem is impossible without blood, sweat, or tears

    It’s no lie that organic chemistry requires lots of hard work. Utilizing study groups, office hours, and lots of study time can make doing well…no blood needed.

    We balance studying, homework, volunteering, and working like pros

    Nope, that’s not a myth 😉

    What are some of your favorite myths about being a dietetics major? Sound off in the comments!

    P.S. ARE YOU IN YET? Sign up for our newsletter, and you’ll receive monthly webinar invitations, free resources, exclusive experience opportunities, and more!


  • 5 Reasons to Create an Online Portfolio

    Think of your online portfolio as an extension of your DICAS application. This tool could get you closer to landing the dietetic internship of your dreams.

    If you haven’t created an online portfolio yet, now’s the time! Only some program applications require one, but you can still add the URL to your resume even if they don’t.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    Here are our top 5 reasons why you need one:

    Opportunity to show directors examples of your best work

    Remember to include projects or papers that you are passionate about to reference them in later interviews. Did you complete a unique project in your program? Feature it so internship programs can see it!

    It makes you stand out from the competition.

    No two applications are alike, similar to online portfolios. Your portfolio is distinctly yours and can be another way to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.

    Adds a visual element to your application

    A dietetic internship director may remember you during your interview from your online portfolio’s unique logo or layout. This also serves as a way for internship programs to learn about you and your sense of style or flare. Make sure to stay true to yourself when creating your online presence!

    It gives directors a better sense of who you are as a person

    Directors will gain a better understanding of your personality through the details of your online portfolio. They will see your skills, such as attention to detail and creativity, which show promise as a dietetic intern.

    It can be used again when you’re hunting for a job

    Make sure to save your online portfolio and continue adding to it as a dietetic intern. Nothing will make a potential employer more pleased than an in-depth and highly professional online portfolio. As you grow through your nutrition career, remember to let your online portfolio grow with you.

    Blogger, WordPress, VisualCV, and Wix are all great sites for housing your portfolio.

    Are you not convinced? Check out this article from The New York Times for more!

    P.S. Once your e-portfolio is done, join our Get Matched Coaching for a portfolio review from one of our coaches to make sure it is visually fantastic, organized, and free of grammar mistakes!


  • The Truth About Distance Internships

    Distance dietetic internships can be a great option in becoming a Registered Dietitian. We’ve included the information you should know about this route.

    Part I: The Application Process

    When it comes to dietetic internships, distance internships are a great option. Some of the benefits include flexible scheduling, staying close to home, and the ability to select specific sites and preceptors you want to work with. However, with this comes unique challenges, so we put together a guide of things to be aware of when going the distance route.

    Remember that every distance program is structured differently, so it is essential to thoroughly read their websites and contact the program directors if you have any questions. You can find distance dietetic internships programs here.

    We always say that the earlier you can start preparing, the better, especially for distance internships! Why? Well, in addition to writing your resume and personal statement and filling out DICAS, you may also need to find preceptors for potential programs and have them fill out and return preceptor applications to you BEFORE February 15th (or September 25th) deadline.

    Click here to take your application to the next level with free resources and exclusive advice from Jenny!

    So, where is the best place to start?

    First, research the programs you are interested in to learn more about their requirements. Here are some questions to ask when evaluating distance internship programs:

    • What rotations need to be completed?
    • How many hours need to be completed for each course?
    • How many hours a week are you required to work?
    • How many preceptors do you need to find?
    • Does the program help you find preceptors?
    • Are there specific requirements for the preceptors (e.g., at least three have to be R.D.s)?
    • How many preceptors need to be lined up before the deadline (all, some, or none)?
    • What kinds of facilities are acceptable?
    • Are there specific requirements for the facilities (e.g., at least one facility must be accredited by the Joint Commission)?
    • How will you communicate with the director throughout the internship?
    • How are you required to submit assignments and track your hours throughout the training?
    • Do you have to take online classes?

    Once you know where you’d like to apply, the next step is finding preceptors if your programs ask for you to have them lined up before the application deadline. Make sure you understand the requirements for each program you’re applying to. This is crucial as you will need to supply potential preceptors with this information, along with an application to fill out from each program if they agree to work with you.

    If you already have connections in the field, you may not have to look far to find preceptors. Some programs will even provide you with preceptors! Reach out to your contacts first and ask if anyone is willing to be your preceptor or if they can put you in touch with other R.D.s. You can also reach out to your local or state dietetic association to see if they can connect you with someone. Then, once you’ve exhausted your network, it’s time to make a list and start cold-calling R.D.s and facilities!

    The truth is that some people may say no, and others may not respond at all, but don’t let this discourage you- it’s just how the process goes! There is plenty of R.D’S out there who know the importance of the internship, understand that someone did it for them when they were interns, and are willing to pay it forward to help you reach your dreams.

    Here’s something to be aware of: some facilities, especially in large cities, already have contracts in place with local internship programs. This means that they may not be willing to take on additional interns, or in some cases, they may not even be allowed to. If this happens repeatedly, you may need to expand your search radius and be willing to travel a further distance.

    Lastly, don’t be afraid to sell yourself to the R.D. and be clear about how YOU can benefit THEM! Do they have projects they need to be finished? Notes written? Handouts created? While they will be taking time out of their day to work with you, you can put your skills to good use and do work that benefits the organization while also fulfilling your requirements. At the very least, be sure to send them a copy of your resume. If your personal statement is ready, it doesn’t hurt to send this along so they can better understand your skills, accomplishments, and career goals.

    Get 10 FREE tips to ace your Dietetics Internship interview!

    Part II: During the Internship

    Once you’ve been accepted, you may need to notify all of your preceptors to tell them the good news. If tentative rotation dates were already set, be sure to confirm them again, as things may have changed since February. An official contract may need to be signed at this time between them and the school.

    Most programs hold an in-person orientation for anywhere from a few days to a week or more. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your director, as well as your fellow interns whom you’ll want to stay in touch with throughout the internship. In addition, Facebook groups and email chains are great ways to stay connected as a group so you can share your experiences, ask questions, figure out the assignments together, and motivate each other to keep going.

    Distance programs require a high level of self-management, organization, and communication skills to ensure that you’re meeting the requirements of your program and getting the most out of your experiences.

    It would help if you began each rotation knowing the number of practice hours you need at that facility, the tasks and assignments to be accomplished, and the goals you’d like to meet while there. Sometimes your preceptors may look to you for guidance because you have a better grasp of the program requirements than they do, especially if they’re managing interns from multiple programs.

    Be prepared for the possibility of change at any time. Preceptors who agreed to work with you may get new jobs, facilities might back out for one reason or another, and your rotation dates and hours may need to be adjusted as you go. In cases like these, the best thing you can do is be flexible and go with the flow. Internship directors are well-versed in dealing with these situations, and they will provide you with the best steps to resolve any problems that arise.

    The last piece to keep in mind is that, in some cases, you may be the only intern in a facility during a rotation, which means you won’t be sharing your day-to-day experiences with other interns. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you may sometimes wish someone else who “gets it” is there with you. However, one of the perks of striking out on your own is that you get the sole attention of your preceptors and the chance to develop stronger connections with them. Joining your local dietetic association is a great way to meet nearby interns with whom you can connect in person, and you may even see some of them during your rotations!

    P.S. If you’re looking for help with the more intense distance dietetic internship applications, Get Matched Coaching includes individual support to land the internship of your dreams!


  • How Applying to an ISPP Helped Natalie Get One Step Closer to Her Dream Career

    Special thanks to Natalie Kocks, who shared her personal ISPP journey with us in 2017.

    My name is Natalie Kocks, and I am a recent graduate of Benedictine University, Lisle, IL. I am currently enrolled as a dietetic intern at Purdue University’s ISPP. The journey towards attaining a dietetic internship is most certainly not an easy one. At Benedictine, I ran Cross Country and Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field. I was also involved in the SAND (Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics) club. I volunteered every summer at Parkview Regional Medical Center in the Nutrition and Dietetics department. I also gained experience as an intern, working with an R.D. who owns her fitness and nutrition company. I also interned with Foodie on Campus (an online magazine) and helped market the magazine via social media.

    In my senior year of college, I began the DICAS process and unfortunately did not receive a match. So I moved home and began working as a dietary aide at a nursing home and as a recipe developer, chef, and barista at a local natural market. In November, I reapplied to DICAS, and again, the words read “No Match.” I allowed myself to be upset for one day, and then I decided that this was what I wanted, and I refused to give up. I applied for a nutritionist position at a local WIC office and was offered the job. I have been working at WIC for the last six months and love it here! I learned about the Purdue ISPP from a Purdue ISPP intern doing her community rotation here at my WIC location! I decided to apply, and before I knew it, I was being interviewed and accepted my intern spot!

    “ISPP is an amazing opportunity for good DICAS applicants who slipped through the cracks to gain the internship they deserve.”

    ISPP is a fantastic opportunity for suitable DICAS applicants who slipped through the cracks to gain the internship they deserve. ISPP allows for flexibility; you can focus on areas of dietetics that you’re most interested in, and you can complete your entire training at home! 

    My advice to future applicants is never to give up. Not receiving a match to internships was one of the most devastating experiences I have had. Had it not been for my supportive family and friends and my deep-rooted passion for the field, I do not think I would have kept applying and putting myself out there. The best thing you can do is start gaining nutrition experience early on in your college career and continue to stay involved while working just as hard in the classroom. Please get to know your professors because you’ll need them down the road for positive letters of recommendation when you apply to internships.

    Thanks for sharing, Natalie!

    P.S. Our Get Matched Coaches can help you land the DI of your dreams. Let us help you have a happy match day!


  • How to Mentally Recover After an MNT Exam

    Imagine this. You finish your MNT exam, with time to spare, and you hand it in to your professor with the biggest smile on your face and you turn around and walk out the door knowing that you are an exceptional student and totally aced it.  Has this ever happened to you?  The anxiety of finishing on time, the worry and second guessing of whether you did that tube feed calculation right, did you give your “patient” enough protein? AH. The mental toll that MNT exams have can last for a while. Here are five tips to help you recover from after an MNT exam:


    Your first instinct when you leave the room after your exam is usually to check your notes to see if you got an answer correct. This is ok, but limit this time.  Dwelling on something that you can’t fix won’t do you any good.  Be confident in your answers.  Adjust your focus to the positive.

    2. EXERCISE.

    As nutrition majors, we know that a healthy and balanced lifestyle includes exercise.  Although this may not be something that you want to do right after your test, the endorphins that are released will help with the stress you just endured. 30 minutes of moderate physical activity will do wonders.

    3. YOGA.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Yoga is the perfect de-stressor.  Whether you go to your local studio or find a great podcast that prompts you with the movements, yoga will help you declutter your mind and center yourself. Stretching out your body and letting go of the day will help you mentally recover from that MNT exam.


    DON’T talk about the exam! Out of sight, out of mind. This is easier said than done, but try focusing on other aspects of your life.


    You deserve it! You studied for hours, rewrote your notes a million times, and stayed up late cramming in every last bit. Reward yourself with something that will make you feel great. Get a mani/pedi, go out for fro-yo, buy that new shirt that you’ve been obsessing over. Knowing that you’ve done your best is all that you can do at this point and treating yourself to something will give you a sense of accomplishment.

    P.S. Now that exams are over, it’s time to start preparing for Match Day!