
  • Prerequisite Courses for Dietetics Programs

    Before becoming a Registered Dietitian, you have to complete many prerequisite courses. Check out our list of standard classes to decide where to start!

    If you have decided to go back to school to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, the odds are that you have a few prerequisites to take. As a career-changer, I understand the overwhelming feeling of having so many classes to take but not being quite sure where to start.

    Likewise, you will find that most dietetic programs require similar prerequisite courses. When you decide on a specific program you want to attend, make your list of precisely what school requires.

    Click here to find dietetic programs near you!

    Courses that will be required for most programs:

    • Chemistry 1 (with lab)
    • Biology 1 (with lab)
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Organic Chemistry
    • General Microbiology
    • Intro to Biochemistry
    • Intro to Nutrition

    Other courses that may be required:

    • Chemistry 2 (with lab)
    • Medical Terminology
    • Intro to Statistics
    • Intro to Psychology
    • Research Writing
    • Biochemistry 2

    Courses I had to take before starting my dietetics program:

    • Chemistry 1 (with lab)
    • Biology 1 (with lab)
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Intro to Nutrition
    • Medical Terminology
    • Intro to Statistics
    • Intro to Psychology

    Courses I took during my Didactic Program in Dietetics:

    • Organic Chemistry
    • General Microbiology
    • Intro to Biochemistry
    • Research Writing

    From my experience, I completed all of these courses in other online programs through universities that my school approved. This allowed me to have a very flexible schedule to work part-time, and I could take the classes from anywhere.

    Completing these courses was very convenient, but I will say that taking classes online still had many challenges. In many cases, I felt as though I was teaching myself all of the material. There was always an instructor, and some of the courses had PowerPoints and lectures, but it wasn’t the same as sitting in an actual classroom or having a conversation with classmates or the instructor about the topic. All of the courses require a lot of reading, many hours, and excellent organization. It’s not impossible to complete all of these courses online, but if I could redo my experience, I would probably choose to take these courses in the classroom setting. For those looking to catch up on their prerequisite courses, many local community colleges offer science-based courses over the winter and summer, typically less expensive.

    Some of the online programs I took courses through:

    Wondering which courses to start with? I recommend starting with Chemistry 1 and Biology 1. These are very general classes that are necessary for completing several of the other prerequisites.

    Hopefully, this gives you a starting point if you are going back to school to be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist!

    P.S. Just starting your career in nutrition and dietetics? Schedule your free call with Jenny to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!


  • 5 Myths About Being a Dietetics Major

    Studying nutrition means sometimes you’re learning the Krebs cycle, and others you’re baking cookies. Here are our top myths about being a dietetics major.

    Are you looking to land the dietetic internship of your dreams? Schedule your free call with Jenny today to discuss your background, address any concerns, and decide on the next steps for your dietitian journey!

    All we do is study food.

    Almost all DPD coursework includes anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology…shall I go on? We know the ins and outs of metabolic pathways and can balance a chemical equation like nobody’s business, but we also know how to make a killer acai bowl and prevent foodborne illness. After all, we are food and nutrition experts- in every area of the field!

    Everyone follows the gluten-free-dairy-free-paleo-low-FODMAP diet.

    We know the importance of a well-balanced diet more than anyone, and that one diet doesn’t fit all. Cheat days are often plenty, but we strive to practice what we preach and eat for health. You can find many of us experimenting with new recipes, too.

    The only students who get internships have straight A’s

    There are so many other components to your application than your grades. Yes, they are essential, but so are your volunteer experiences, work experiences, personal statement, and letters of recommendation.

    Ochem is impossible without blood, sweat, or tears

    It’s no lie that organic chemistry requires lots of hard work. Utilizing study groups, office hours, and lots of study time can make doing well…no blood needed.

    We balance studying, homework, volunteering, and working like pros

    Nope, that’s not a myth 😉

    What are some of your favorite myths about being a dietetics major? Sound off in the comments!

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